Saturday, July 31, 2010

Clean water!

Acting like I know what I'm doing...

Beautiful picture taken by Ryan of the sunset at Poneloya

Playing in the mud/dumping Yader over

Fútbol game!

Now if that smile doesn't melt your heart...

Angel. Don't know if the name is fitting, but he's precious. He was probably saying something to me like, "Francisco, I'm about to splash water on you!"

Giving a kiss to Jorge after a long day of work. ¡Dale prix!

Our drill got stuck 60 feet down and this was the culprit. Clogged clay.

First day drilling!

It's too dusty prix!

Whew. It's been quite the week! Sorry for not updating the blog in a while. I didn't have too much internet access all week in Leon. But boy did I have such a great time. Let me give you a run down.
So Sunday after going to church with Raf and his family, as well as the Messers, we headed to eat lunch at a legit pizza place. I love when we come upon another great restaurant in Matagalpa! And then we headed back to the house where I rushed to get all of my stuff together. But Doña Fide made sure to pack me with some leftover pizza just in case I got hungry on the bus. :) Raf and the Messers dropped me off at the bus to head to Leon. What an experience! I was sort of nervous at first, watching my stuff the whole time, eyes darting everywhere. But I soon got used to it. Ha, boy did I stick out like a sore thumb as usual. Only blonde haired/blue eyed person on that bus. At one point I looked to the guy beside me and asked him a question in Spanish and he jumped like he was surprised. Haha, he was quite taken back that I was able to speak Spanish. Most of the ride I felt like I was in a music video with reggaeton/Daddy Yankee playing the whole time. I just had to laugh and enjoy it. But Jorge was there ready to pick me up once I got there. And before you knew it, I was assimilated into the group he had there. We quickly all became friends when we killed a bat in the second floor of his house. Haha, it was quite a scene.
The week of drilling the well went something like this: Monday/Tuesday we "explored" to see if we could find clean water. We drilled down 110 feet and found clean water from about 60-90 ft with 90-11o ft being clay. So we decided to make the well 85 feet deep with the screen for the clean water coming in from 70-80 ft. Drilling and building the well was so much fun, but what I enjoyed the most was being in a community I've never been to before and building relationships with people I'd never met. The community we worked in was called Nueva Vida/New Life and by the end of the week I had a little posse of boys that I played fútbol with, had water wars with, and even wrestled with. Haha, pictures soon to come. But really, I learned so much this week about being even more intentional with everything I do in the communities. We talked in one of our group meetings at the team house about how we had to make sure that we were focusing on harvesting people for the Lord instead of getting caught up in just planting seeds. Sometimes in communities I always think, "Well I'll just be shining the Father's light today," when I'm missing out on divine opportunities to really let people know of the Father's love. So when opportunities came up this past week to share the Father's love through conversation and action, I made sure to take advantage of it.
Other happenings this week included going out to see a movie, "Knight and Day" with the team, as well as going to the beach on Thursday evening after working. It was such a blessing to be in Leon and really get to see the work of Living Water International. Being able to share in granting people with clean drinking water as well as the living water of the Holy Spirit was absolutely incredible. I feel so lucky that Jorge was willing to let me come out there and share in that experience with them.
So the trip was great and I even got to know the kid sitting beside me on the bus on the way back to Matagalpa. It was neat because we were both the same age and studying the same thing in college. Ha, I love building those random relationships with people here in Nica. Last night I enjoyed catching up with Don Omar, Doña Fide, and Morgan for a while. So many stories to share between me and Mo. Today I've just been chilling out a bit, doing laundry, and enjoying some great conversation with Doña Fide. Raf and I dropped Mo off at the church for her trip to Jinotepe at 11 this morning, with a fresh batido in hand. I just finished talking and catching up with Raf for a little bit and it looks like I'll be going to play outside for a bit with the neighborhood kids. From hanging out with them last night, it seems like they've been lost without me. haha. Love you all and praying for you.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Talk about a whirlwind of activities and happenings. These past few days have been una a good way!
Chris and Heidi left yesterday to go back to the states. It's really exciting to see the Lord moving in their hearts and seeking His face. I've been hanging out at the school a lot. and the church. I had my first cow tail soup this week. Mom I'll bring that recipe home too! ;) I went to a lunch at the church for the people involved in ministries there and that was the meal. I'm so glad to be getting exposed to all these new things. Everyday I seem to catch myself in situations that I've never been in before. Impossible to be bored here. Every moment is an adventure.
Spenc has been in Leon since Sunday. I as well as the boys of the hood have definitely missed him here. He'll be home today before dinner though so everyone here is ready to get him back. He went to stay with Jorge and his team to drill a well with them a experience that. How cool is that!? Can't wait to hear the stories.
Last night I went to practice at church for the concert we're playing this Saturday night. Man was I unprepared. Everyone else knew the songs like they had been listening to them for forever...because they have. I, however, had listened to each one like twice. And I found out that they wanted me to sing lead on some of them. Ouch. Needless to say, at this moment I am currently listening to/studying/trying to memorize these songs. Please pray that the Lord's strength will be magnified in my weakness. I will trust in Him!

I hope everyone at home as wonderful. We will see you all sooner rather than later.:)


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Apante boys. Celebrating Oscar's Birthday! Oscar is the boy to my left.

Family laying blocks working on their new house. Mom and Dad are working while Bismark and Dorlin are just chilling.

Norvin and Jasmir. I'd say they look alike.

Jasmir showing off his new bed. He was very proud to show me his own green bed. The doors are coming up!

Best view of Matagalpa!

Doña Fide always working as usual!

Raf acting like he's working :)

Okay precious Alvaro.

Chubby Gallup giving me some love after finding out about his new house!

This should be a magazine cover.

lo que quiera

soooo! After a month straight of teams, we dropped the last team off at the hotel last night. We've got two weeks left here, an extremely bittersweet reality. Chris and Heidi are here with us until Wednesday and Spenc takes off tomorrow for Leon to work with one of Jorge's LivingWater groups digging a well until Wednesday. As for me, I'm staying here and singing all weekend at church for the anniversary. Then I'll be busy practicing for this coming weekend's concert in a city on the coast with the band from church.
This past week, as with all the other groups, was crazy busy. Their pastor and youth director both played guitar and sang so I got out my guitar with them some nights and we played for a good while. The youth director had the most beautiful voice so I loved just sitting with her and listening to all the stuff she wrote. Probably will be famous someday so I'm just waiting to get that first CD. We worked hard in construction. Lots of mixing cement, laying blocks, laying floors. Even after all the hard, hot days out there, I can still honestly say that I feel more blessed than ever to be here every minute. Even though it was frustrating at times, really hot, or just overwhelming, I wouldn't have wanted to miss a moment of any of it. I can't even express to you what a blessing this time has been on my heart and for me as a person.
We took the group yesterday to the market and ziplining for their tourist day. Everyone was exhausted, including me. It's a good tierd though. One of hard work and joy.
So now we're back at home. Dona Fide and Don Omar just left to go play baseball with their grandkids and just spend time with them now that there's no team. Chris and Spenc and Raf are headed up to San Jose to check on everything there and Heidi and I are going shopping. I have to buy certain color shirts to sing with the band this weekend because they decided to coordinate colors. Wish me luck :).

Two weeks! Be praying over the transition back. We love y'all. See you soon!
